
Knowledge Base

View Your Weebly Site's Stats


You can view statistics for any of your sites with one click. To get started:

  1. Log into Weebly

  2. From your Sites dashboard click the Stats button adjacent to the site you want to view stats for 

  3. If you're a free user you can see pageviews and unique visitors for the past 30 days


  4. If you're a pro user you can see pageviews, unique visitors, most visited pages, search terms used to find the site, and the sites which referred the most traffic to the site 

    Check out a breakdown of the stats and what they really mean to you...

    • Pageviews - number of pages visitors viewed on a given day; one visitor may visit three, ten, twenty, etc. pages

    • Unique Visitors - number of individual visitors who came to the site; unique visitors number should always be smaller than the pageviews number simply because one person can visit multiple pages and thereby generate a number of different pageviews

    • Top Pages - pages with the most visits; the page called "/" is the home page and it should get the most visits usually

    • Search Terms - shows which search terms visitors have entered in Google, Bing and Yahoo to find your site; the more search terms you see, the better ranked your site likely is in on the search engines

    • Referring Sites - if a visitor clicked a link on another site to reach your site then they have been 'referred' to your own site by this other site; the more in-bound links you have pointing to your site the better your search rank will likely end up being

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