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Info about Hosting MP3s


You are allowed to host mp3 files, but you may not host any files with a copyright belonging to someone else, unless you have the owner's written consent.

If you are on a Shared account, we do not offer temporary disk space upgrades; you would just upgrade your hosting account to a larger account. If you attempt to upload more files than your disk space allows, you will get an error message.

If you are a Reseller and attempt to upload files that put you over your disk quota you will receive an error message. 

Note: if you go over your quota, and processes need to be run to maintain your existing databases or content, it's possible that your website will break due to databases not being supported. This is NOT good and should be avoided.

If you're on a VPS or Dedicated server account, you will just be charged for any overages you incur.

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